218 Open Daily games
0 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Rasputin


Thu 24th Mar 01:57
Wargear: The Gathering rated  Perfect
This is my favorite board, you can get opponents that have no idea run through your defenses in 2 turns or an opponent who knows exactly what to do take 20 turns and not crack an army. I have very short games and very long games, to me, this board can get very addicting especially when people who have played before start to differ in their style, which is obviously a must. Its easy to mess up and place units where you may never get to them again but its just as easy for your opponent to do the same. Like someone said earlier at some point you can get literal 5's on every defensive and offensive card but I'm still yet to have a game go so long that I've forgot about it. My favorite ones are real time games because it keeps you on your toes and you can change your strategy on a dime. If you don't like it I would say play it a couple times and see if its still your thought. Just when I thought i have seen all the defensive and offensive moves that an this board allows for, i see a different one pop up. 10 stars!!!!!!
#8 of 8
Mon 14th Mar 21:21
Backgammon rated  Perfect
Love this board, a good mix of luck, risk strategy and backgammon knowledge all melded into one. Nice job Beastlymaster.
#7 of 8
Fri 4th Feb 19:01
Cumberdale's Bomb Factory rated  Perfect
This map is wonderful. I don't know where Cumberdale thought this up but the Simalgear action is amazing. So many different strategies meet on this board. Is one better then the other who knows. You see what you get on this board. Do you defend and then attack or just straight go for the other side. Many ways to play. My favorite board of all time.
#6 of 8
Fri 4th Feb 18:58
Castles rated  Perfect
There aren't many boards that are as nice as this one. It looks awesome and it has a great idea with the capitals. Do you take a castle or do you not take it? If you do you can lose on the next turn no matter how good you are doing. Learn to be careful with the castles and you will have a great game, visually and strategically.
One of my favorites.
#5 of 8
Fri 4th Feb 18:56
Base 9 rated  Superb
From what I've played this board is a great team map. The abandon factor is a good one on this map. I really do not see any glaring problems and the borders and other parts of the map are well thought out. Bonuses seem fair and all around its a great board to play with a bunch of people.
#4 of 8
Fri 4th Feb 18:55
Arm Wrestle rated  Superb
Personally I love this board, there are so many little tricks you can pull on your opponent, whether your go in on them head on, or lure them in slowly to their death. Its a very fun fast moving board that really doesn't count on dice rolls but what strategy each opponent takes.
#3 of 8
Fri 4th Feb 18:52
Appomattox Campaign rated  Superb
This board requires a lot of fortification and attack strategy. It is very challenging even to seasoned veterans and thats whats good about it. Sometimes the rolls can get frustrating but still a very fun 1vs1 board
#2 of 8
Fri 4th Feb 18:51
4Play rated  Good
Weird strategies abound on this quick-paced but fun board.
#1 of 8